logo_FMI 120th European Study Group with Industry

July 25-29, 2016, Sofia, Bulgaria

What is ESGI
For Companies
For participants, Registration
Important dates
Location, Accomodation
Organization and Contacts

Information for companies

There are no limitations to the problem areas, the only condition is that the problems should be able to be approached by mathematical and numerical modelling. The sort of problems that study groups in the UK, continental Europe, the US and Australia have investigated ranges from bioscience, nanotechnology and green power to management of stock surplus, GPS in a shopping mall, message delivery in wireless networks and traffic safety control.

There have been three ESGIs in Sofia, Bulgaria so far - in 2013, 2014, and 2015. Complete lists of problems and suggested solutions are available at:

If you are interested in presenting a problem to the Study Group, we will be delighted to hear from you. If your project is selected for consideration, you will have to write a detailed description (one to two A4 pages) of the problem so as it to be included in the booklet of problems. A representative of the company should present the problem during the first day of the Study Group and should stay in touch with the academic participants during the whole week to guide them through the particulars of the problem under investigation.

We would highly appreciate financial support from you. We would be happy to offer you our sponsorship packages.